First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Additional Information
Please provide any details about your transportation situation that will be helpful in our planning
Food Preference for Saturday, 12/21
Between Shows on Saturday, 12/21, PACS will provide food to the orchestra. To help us with ordering properly, please indicate your general preference here.
Meat Option (Ben's Deli Sandwich)
Vegetarian Option (Wild Fig Mediterranean Style)
Thursday, December 19th Dress Rehearsal at Tilles
Please check all that apply to you
I NEED transportation TO the Rehearsal (Departing Penn Station around 4PM)
I NEED transportation FROM the Rehearsal (Departs Hicksville)
I am staying at the HOTEL and need transportation TO the Rehearsal
I am staying at the HOTEL and need transportation AFTER the Rehearsal
I HAVE A CAR and can shuttle musicians TO the Rehearsal (Need to be at Hicksville LIRR Station or Hotel by 5PM)
I HAVE A CAR and can shuttle musicians FROM the Rehearsal (Rehearsal ends at 9PM)
I do not need assistance and I am not able to give assistance
Friday, December 20th Dress Rehearsal at Tilles
Please check all that apply to you
I NEED transportation TO the Rehearsal (Departs Penn Station at around 4PM)
I NEED transportation FROM the Rehearsal (Departs Hicksville)
I am staying at the HOTEL and need transportation TO the Rehearsal
I am staying at the HOTEL and need transportation AFTER the Rehearsal
I HAVE A CAR and can shuttle musicians TO the Rehearsal (Need to be at Hicksville LIRR Station or Hotel by 5PM)
I HAVE A CAR and can shuttle musicians FROM Rehearsal (Rehearsal ends at 9PM)
I do not need assistance and I am not able to give assistance
Saturday, December 21st Performance Day
Please check all that apply to you
I NEED LIRR transportation TO the Performance (Departs Penn Station around 10AM)
I NEED LIRR transportation FROM the Performance (Departs Hicksville)
I am staying at the HOTEL and need transportation TO the Performance
I am staying at the HOTEL and need transportation AFTER the Performance
I HAVE A CAR and can shuttle musicians TO Performance (Need to be at Hicksville LIRR Station or Hotel by 10:30AM)
I HAVE A CAR and can shuttle musicians FROM Performance (Performances end at 8:15PM)
I do not need assistance and I am not able to give assistance
Sunday, December 22nd Performance Day
Please check all that apply to you
I NEED LIRR transportation TO the Performance (Departs Penn Station at around 10AM)
I NEED LIRR transportation FROM the Performance (Departs Hicksville)
I am staying at the HOTEL and NEED transportation TO the Performance
I HAVE A CAR and can shuttle musicians TO the Performance (Need to be at Hicksville LIRR Station or Hotel by 11:30AM)
I HAVE A CAR and can shuttle musicians FROM Performance (Performance ends at 4:15PM)
I HAVE A CAR, am staying at the hotel, and can shuttle musicians from the Hotel to the Performance
I do not need assistance and I am not able to give assistance
Car Information
If you are offering to help drive musicians, please provide the make, model and capacity (people and instrument sizes) your car can accommodate